Robb Gossen - September 15, 2024

Key 1: Love

In this message, we dive into the foundational key to happiness—love. Exploring Galatians 5:22-23 and the fruit of the Spirit, we unpack the different types of love as seen in the Bible, including Agape (unconditional love), Storge (familial love), Phileo (friendship love), and Eros (romantic love). Drawing on the teachings of Jesus and the insights of C.S. Lewis, we reflect on the vulnerability of love and the risks it involves, but also the immense rewards it brings. True happiness comes not from self-centered pursuits but from loving others as Christ loves us—selflessly and sacrificially. This message challenges us to live with intentionality, embracing the risks of love, and experiencing the fullness of joy that flows from it.

Scripture References: Galatians 5:22-23

From Series: "The 9 Keys to Happiness"

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